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How to search in social science databases Online

This presentation is aimed at students, post docs or researchers who wish to get new or update their information searching skills, with focus on Social Sciences. We will be presenting relevant databases for your topic, efficient strategies to search and find material in different databases, as well as practical functions. During the session there will be time for requests if there is something special you are interested in.

The presentation will be held in English

Datum / Date:
Thursday 21 March 2024
Tid / Time:
Målgrupp / Audience:
  Anställd/forskare/researcher     Doktorand/Ph.D. Student     Student  
Kategorier / Categories:
  Informationssökning / Information retrieval     Språk / Language > English  
Det här evenemanget är online. / This is an online event.
Anmälan har stängts / Registration has closed

Liknande evenemang / More events like this


Arrangör / Event organiser

Lisa Fekete