Event box

Information session on thesis production Online

Informationsmöte för dig som ska lämna in din avhandling till Avhandlingsproduktion inom en tidsram på 4–5 veckor. Vi rekommenderar alla doktorander och licentiatstudenter att delta för att göra processen så smidig som möjligt.

Tillfället ges på engelska.

Information session for you who will submit your thesis to Thesis Production within a time frame of 4–5 weeks. We recommend all PhD and licentiate students to participate to make the process as smooth as possible.

During the session you will get information about how to prepare your thesis for delivery and printing. This will include printing quality for images, figures and graphics. Different options for paper quality, colours and cover design. You will also get information about posting details and registering in DiVA.

Place: this is a Zoom session. Link to the Zoom meeting, will be sent out 2 days before the meeting.

Handout: Handout from information meeting (PDF)

Datum / Date:
Tuesday 13 May 2025
Tid / Time:
Plats / Location:
Målgrupp / Audience:
  Doktorand/Ph.D. Student  
Kategorier / Categories:
  Avhandlingsproduktion / Thesis production     Språk / Language > English  
Det här evenemanget är online. / This is an online event.

Föranmälan krävs. Det finns 48 lediga platser. / Registration is required. There are 48 seats available.

Liknande evenemang / More events like this


Arrangör / Event organiser

Finn Ljunggren