Event box

10th Sammelband 15-16 Event: Books in new contexts
Open to all, no registration needed. A co-arrangement between Uppsala University Library and the Gabriel Naudé Center (Lyon).
The theme of the meeting of the Sammelband research group will be to address the phenomenon of foreign books in a new context, with a shared history. The event will be divided into three parts: a series of papers, the analysis of copies from the collections of Uppsala University Library and a visit to a historic library. The themes that will be explored in the papers presented during this meeting include:
• Sammelbände formed of editions from diverse geographic origins: how and when were they put together? Were they created specific issues? Did this involve more certain types of books than others?
• The spoliation of books and Sammelbände: were such volumes broken up, reordered, or rebound to form new books or kept in their original state? Has this led to a better preservation of original contexts?
• The movement of books from or towards central and eastern parts of Europe, whether it be through commerce, the displacement of owners, or looted books.
• Understanding the distribution and circulation of copies that formed part of Sammelbände and their changing contexts.
Thursday 12 September 2024
9.30-9.45 - Welcome by Johanna Hansson, Uppsala University Library
10.00-12.00 - Session 1. Sammelbände and the Polish connection
Peter Sjökvist, Uppsala University Library, ‘Looted books and Sammelbände at Uppsala – An overview’
Anna Katharina Richter, University of Zurich, & Rita Schlusemann, Freie Universität Berlin, ‘Griseldis in Kraków and Uppsala. A European bestseller in early modern composites/multi-text volumes’
Jakub Łukaszewski, Poznań University Library, ‘Sammelbände from the private library of the reformer Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski (ca. 1503–1572). Case studies based on volumes from the Uppsala University Library and the University Library in Poznań’
12.00-14.00 — Lunch
14.00-15.30 - Session 2. International exchange and Sammelbände
Alex Alsemgeest, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, ‘The composition of Dutch Sammelbände in Swedish Collections ’
Katell Lavéant, Allard Pierson, University of Amsterdam, ‘From Antwerp to Kraków: the pan European Sammelbände of Jacob Buyck (1545-1599)’
Sanne Steen, Erasmus University Rotterdam, ‘Studying the reception of Erasmus through Sammelbände in the Erasmus Collection’
15.45-16.45 - Session 3. Case studies
Iain Fenlon, King's College Cambridge, ‘An unrecorded Sammelband of early printed music in Palma de Mallorca’
Christine Chevalier-Boyer, Enssib / Centre Gabriel Naudé, ‘Printing predications and Sammelbände: The dispersion and context of the Аrst editions of Humbert de Romans’s De dono timoris (1478).’
17.00-18.00 - Open lecture: Jessica Cline, New York Public Library, ‘Space to Touch in The New York Public Library's Picture Collection ’.
Friday 13 September 2024
9.30-11.00 : Session 4: Beyond the sixteenth century...
Ester Camilla Peric, Università di Udine, ‘Phantom Sammelbände in Udine libraries: reconstructing historical evidence’
Morten Schneider, HU Berlin / Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle, ‘Compiling political knowledge on the faraway. Gabriel Naudé’s Sammelbände on colonialism and astronomical prodigies’
Alessia Giachery, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, ‘The collection of Apostolo Zeno (1668-1750): hints on miscellaneous’
- From:
- 09:30, Thursday 12 September 2024
- To:
- 11:00, Friday 13 September 2024
- Plats / Location:
- Tidskriftsläsesalen
- Campus:
- Carolina Rediviva
- Målgrupp / Audience:
- Allmänheten/the public Anställd/forskare/researcher Doktorand/Ph.D. Student Student
- Kategorier / Categories:
- Språk / Language > English